From today you can allocate your 5x1000 of the IRPEF to the Kunt Grenzen-Arte di Frontiera aps cultural association!
The Association intends to protect the person, whether registered or not, also concerning the protection of his personal data, and this not only because imposed by current legislation, but also because the protection of personal data is a way through which the fundamental rights and freedoms of an individual free and free from external influences are protected.
The protection of your personal identity, your privacy, as well as your dignity, your freedom of self-determination, including information, necessarily passes through the protection of your data since the illegitimacy and indiscrimination of their treatment would affect the explanation of his personality.
The GDPR became effective in all the States of the European Union on 25 May 2018 and prescribes from the first article that "the protection of individuals about the processing of personal data is a fundamental right" and that it "Protects the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, in particular, the right to the protection of personal data".
The main change introduced by the GDPR is the principle of "accountability" (so-called accountability) which, with an approach based primarily on the assessment of risks on the rights and freedoms of the data subjects, attributes to the Data Controllers of the processing (therefore also to the Association as a whole) the task of ensuring and being able to prove compliance with the principles applicable to the processing of personal data and to adopt the measures they deem most suitable and appropriate for this.
The aforementioned principle of "empowerment" has also forced the Association to adopt a new approach in the processing of personal data, both of registered members and operators and of all other subjects who have contacts, regular or otherwise, with the 'Association.
The legislation in question aims to protect the right to privacy and the right to the protection of personal data in order to prevent their incorrect use from damaging or harming the rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity of the data subjects.
As is known, in fact, according to articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, the Association must provide interested parties with a series of information regarding the processing of their data, informing the subject at the time of data collection.
However, the interested party has the right to view his rights at any time.
For information and to contact the Association, write to:
please specify the type of request in the e-mail.
Or call +39-0461-415149 from Tuesday to Saturday, on time:
Monday closed.
For needs or problems concerning the website, contact the Webmaster of Studio Martorelli, writing to:
Please specify in the e-mail page and / or nature of the problem encountered.
Association Site:
Rovere’ della Luna (TN), Via Villotta n. 7/a, Italy.
We are right on the border between the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, once both part of the Historical Tyrol, and today part of the Alpine Euroregion Tyrol-Alto Adige-Trentino.
Kunst Grenzen / Arte di Frontiera is an artistic and social promotion association with the legal site in Roveré della Luna (TN), Via Villotta n. 7 / a, Italy.
The Association is non-political, non-denominational, and non-profit and pursues the aims of artistic and social promotion.
By determination of the UMSE Manager of the Autonomous Province of Trento of 14 September 2021, the association is registered in the Provincial Register of Social Promotion Associations, pursuant to art. 3bis of the provincial law no. 8, with registration number 785 in the UNICA section (RUNTS).
For the best achievement of the purposes, the Association may, among other things, carry out management and management of exhibition spaces, as well as carrying out didactic and training activities for the start-up, updating and improvement in the artistic field, in addition to the enhancement and recovery of artistic assets in the area.
The Association may collaborate or even join other entities, both public and private with similar, similar or complementary with which the purposes and intentions are shared.
For the realization of its aims and in order to work for the realization of collective interests, the Association proposes to favor the extension of the cultural activity in promoting artistic initiatives in the municipal, regional, national and foreign cultural exchanges and exhibition with other associations that have similar purposes and intentions.
Rassegna stampa relativa agli eventi Kunst Grenzen/Arte di frontiera