Chapter I: Constitution and purposes

Art.1 - Name-registered office-duration

  1. The unrecognized association called "KUNSTGRENZEN - ARTE DI FRONTIERA", hereinafter also referred to as "Association", is governed by Legislative Decree 117 of 2017, (hereinafter referred to as the "Third Sector Law"), and by the rules of the Italian Civil Code about associations.
  2. The Association has its registered office in the Municipality of Roverè della Luna (TN-Italy). Any change in the registered office within the Municipality of Roverè della Luna (TN) does not involve a change in the articles of association, except for a specific resolution of the Board of Directors and subsequent communication to the competent offices.
  3. It operates mainly in the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy) and intends to operate also nationally and internationally.
  4. The Association may establish branches or secondary offices, in Italy and abroad.
  5. The Association has an unlimited duration.

Art.1-bis - Use in the name of the acronym "APS"

  1. With effect from the establishment of the single national register of the Third Sector (RUNTS), and upon registration of the Association in the appropriate section of this, the acronym "APS" must be inserted in the company name. From the moment of registration in the RUNTS, the name of the Association will therefore become "Kunst Grenzen - Art of the Frontier APS".
  2. The Association must from that moment use the indication of "social promotion association" or the acronym "APS" in the documents, correspondence, and communications to the public.
  3. Until the establishment of the single national register of the third sector (RUNTS), the acronym "APS" may, in any case, be inserted in the company name if the Association is registered in one of the regional or provincial registers provided for by Law 383 of 2000.

Art.2 - Activities of general interest

  1. The Association is non-party and non-denominational, and bases its institutional and associative activity on the constitutional principles of democracy, social participation, and voluntary activity.
  2. The Association pursues, non-profit, civic, solidarity and social utility purposes, through the exercise, exclusively or principally, in favor of its members, their families or third parties, of activities of general interest referred to in Article 5 of the Third Sector Law, sections d), f), i), k), or:
    a) education, training, and professional training, pursuant to law no. 53, and subsequent amendments, as well as cultural activities of social interest for educational purposes (letter d);
    b) interventions for the protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage and the landscape, pursuant to legislative decree no. 42, and subsequent amendments (letter f);
    c) organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including activities, including editorial activities, to promote and disseminate the culture and practice of volunteering and activities of general interest referred to in this article (letter i);
    d) organization and management of tourist activities of social, cultural, or religious interest (letter k);

Art.3 - Purpose and activities

  1. The Association pursues the following purposes:
    a) to foster a process of cultural-artistic contamination between the different nations;
    b) promoting and enhancing the visual arts and creations of artistic interpretations in all its forms and languages (for example music, theater, dance, cinema, literature);
    c) foster and develop people's passion for art, promoting the values of friendship and solidarity;
    d) contribute to the empowerment of the community in the protection and safeguarding of the historical and artistic heritage;
    e) promote participation and cultural experience through artistic production, as well as through the use of styles and languages that know how to speak with the contemporary community with an inclusive approach aimed at contrasting the educational poverty that is the limit to the active participation of the community in the artistic field.
  2. In order to achieve the purposes mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Association may carry out the following activities:
    a) promote and organize cultural and exhibition exchanges with other similar realities at regional, national and international level;
    b) promote and organize cultural, educational, and information events and initiatives such as, by way of examples, meetings in schools, debates, seminars, conferences, conventions, workshops, courses, laboratories, permanent and temporary exhibitions;
    c) take care of the editing of books, magazines, articles, periodicals, magazines, and other publications, also in electronic format, also in order to inform about the activities of the Association;
    d) promote and organize events and events of an aggregative, recreational, artistic, and cultural nature, such as, for example, reviews, celebrations, anniversaries, video projections, exhibitions, and shows, aimed at enhancing the artistic heritage, as well as the initiatives and artistic productions of associations and citizens;
    e) use the possible IT tools (for example website, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr), in order to disseminate and make known the institutional issues of the Association, as well as to advertise its activity and encourage the adhesion of new volunteers;
    f) collaborate and support associations and other private non-profit entities, including national and international ones, with purposes similar or similar to those of the Association;
    g) create pro-active networks and collaborations with local, national, and international entities and institutions, in order to pursue the aims of the Association, also by stipulating contributory and contractual relationships with them;
    h) carry out any other activity not specifically mentioned in this list but in any case connected with the previous ones, as long as it is consistent with the institutional purposes and suitable for pursuing its achievement.
  3. The Association may carry out, pursuant to Article 6 of the Third Sector Code, also activities other than those of general interest, provided that they are secondary and instrumental and are carried out according to the criteria and limits established by the aforementioned Code and by the implementation of the provision of the same.
  4. The Association may also carry out public collections of funds, in order to finance its activities of general interest, in the forms, conditions, and within the limits set out in Article 7 of the Third Sector Law and subsequent implementing decrees of the same.