Antonia Pia Bianchimani was born in Castrovillari on 9 November 1959.
She graduated from the “Chierici” State Institute of Art and obtained a degree in Literature in Pisa. Subsequently she moved to Treviso where she attended the painting atelier of Maestro Lino Epiphany and the laboratory of the master ceramist Lora Notturno.
She made her debut in the world of contemporary art in 2011. Since that year she has collaborated with some art galleries and participated in group and solo exhibitions and art fairs. Since 2013 you have started collaborating with some Italian galleries and Just Art, Contemporary Art Gallery in Providence, United States. She currently lives and works in Casier (TV).
She participates in numerous Italian and international artistic events.
In 2016 she obtained the 2nd Prize at “42” Art Contest Treviso and received the 3rd prize at the sixth ARTE Cultura in Laguna Painting Competition, Cavallino Treporti, Venice.
She prefers the oil technique.
The main themes of her works are Juggler, Living Nature and Codes:
- in the “Giocoliere” project she follows a path based on the simplification of shapes, on the formal research of the fluidity and essentiality of lines with large fields of colour.
- In the formal context of the “Natura Viva” (“Still-life Alive”) project, there are two paths “Anima Mundi” and “Femminile”: in the “Anima Mundi” works the various characters are made up of fruit, vegetables, objects that they come alive on the canvas and show their different stages of awareness, their suffering or participation in comedy and drama, with the liveliness and recklessness of adolescents or the severity and gravity of thoughtful adults. The formal research focuses on the sharpness of colors and shapes, the plasticity of objects on vibrant and moving backgrounds, simplification. In “Feminine” the subjects are women, sometimes fruit-women, other times simply faces of different ages and awarenesses, surrounded by symbols, in the form of animals or more or less evident objects, mirroring a state of mind or a passage meaning experienced by the character.
- In the "Codes" project She explores the signs we use to represent the world starting from the most basic of all, namely geometry, the part of mathematics that studies space. Real objects, geometric representations, mathematical formulas, animated objects, mirror each other, and push us to ask: what is the symbol and what is the "real" object?
She published the “Natura Viva” catalog for Acca Edizioni, Rome, 2015; and his works are present in “Artistic Sensations”, Third Volume for Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, 2015, ISBN 978-88-6052-601-4, and in “Expo Wiki Arte 2015 with presentation by Philippe Daverio and Giorgio Grasso for Acca Edizioni, Rome, 2015, ISBN 978-88-98982-06-6.
Cones and spheres
The other Theodora