LOC 03 WEB Oltre la frontiera Uber die grenzen di Roberto Codroico galleria Kunst Grenzen 2206 070

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 With "BEYOND THE BORDER ... ÜBER DIE GRENZEN ..." the artist Roberto Codroico goes on display, from 22 June to 7 July 2024, with a selection of his best works at the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera gallery.

Roberto Codroico (Kassel, Germany 1945-) grew up in Padua, graduated in Architecture in Venice and began his career as a teacher of History of Art and Drawing, then in 1977 he moved to Trentino, gaining long experience in the area in the design sector. restoration and enhancement of the historical-artistic heritage as a Cultural Heritage official.Painter since his youth, he was first figurative according to the teachings of Picasso and Matisse, then also encouraged by fortunate encounters with Hans Richter, Walter Valentini and others, he approached abstract painting made of color and lines.

“Painting is a necessity for me, it is a way of looking at myself in the mirror, fixing the passing of life on a surface with signs and colours. My work has the rhythm of everyday life lived in the light of the world around me, but it has the consistency of a dream in which emotions, situations, more or less happy memories, people, places and objects emerge, overlap and repeat...”.

The exhibition “BEYOND THE BORDER ... ÜBER DIE GRENZEN …”  is curated by Claudio Sandri and will be introduced by the critical-artistic analysis of Nicoletta Tamanini, collaborator of the Telepace Trento broadcaster since 2004 and author of reports, documentaries and reviews of art also published in specialized press.
The event is organized in collaboration with the cultural association Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera aps, the Municipality and Pro Loco of Rovere della Luna, Cassa Rurale Val di Non Rotaliana and Giovo - RdL branch.

OPENING: Saturday 22 June, from 6.00 pm; followed by a convivial moment.

VISITS: from 23 June to 7 July 2024 with the following times:
from Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 - 12.00 / 15.00 - 18.30 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
Monday (weekly closing).

The personal exhibition of the artist Roberto Codroico “BEYOND THE FRONTIER… ÜBER DIE GRENZEN…” is included in the annual early summer event “Volti alla Luna” which will be held on 28-29-30 June in Rovere della Luna (TN, IT-38030).