As an artist, you can join the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di Frontiera Association and its related art gallery.

Membership takes place by signing the association form and with the payment of the membership fee established year by year by the statutory bodies (currently Euro 50,00).

The annual membership fee will entitle you to have a personalized page on the website of the Kunst-Grenzen association relating to only one artistic category and to exhibit collectively with a work of art (of measures compliant with the notice registration) which will be set up at the Kunst-Grenzen personal gallery (or elsewhere) for free.

The membership form must be sent to the association's email:

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together with a copy of the transfer of the registration amount, a personal passport-size photograph (in JPG, PNG or TIFF format), 6 photographs of works executed by the applicant in good definition (literal or video relative to the artistic type expressed), a small biography (and possibly also an art critic), preferably in MSOffice or PDF format.

The transfer of the registration fee (50,00 EUR) must be made to the following current account:

Iban: IT17M 08282 35370 000042123579 SWIFT/BIC

code: CCRTIT2T37A

Holder: Kunst Grenzen-Arte di Frontiera Gallery

It is recommended to indicate in the reason for payment: REGISTRATION TO KUNST GRENZEN – ARTE DI FRONTIERA and the NAME and SURNAME of the artist.

The new member will be able, at his choice and without any prejudice, to make available a small format work (max 35 x 50) to be exhibited among the official exhibitions scheduled at the gallery during the period of the year of joining the Association itself. The shipment must be made by courier or similar.

Please note: the works sent to the Association (both the outward and the eventual return) will be borne entirely by the Author as well as any customs clearance (if coming from abroad) and so all any optional options (insurance, special packaging, etc.).

Following the completion of the membership procedure, from the receipt of the data and the payment of the membership fee, the Association will confirm the receipt by e-mail. It will also proceed to insert the communicated data on the page on the site as soon as possible.

The year of membership of the Kunst-Grenzen-Arte di Frontiera Association will run for one year, from the moment the membership is made active.

The Association will also make known from that moment the activities it intends to carry out during the year of registration, inviting the artist to participate.