Martina Baldo, born and raised in Trento (IT), began expressing her emotions and thoughts through drawing and manual skills as a child. She graduated in 1999 in Educational Sciences in Verona, participated in anthroposophic art therapy courses in Bologna and Florence, and deepened her artistic skills both as a self-taught person and by attending courses at the Institute of Arts in Florence and at the Academy of Fine Arts. Cignaroli Arts of Verona.
As an educator and teacher, Martina Baldo has worked with children in difficulty of various age groups, finding creativity as a resource to facilitate growth, she has organized annual art-education workshops in primary schools and municipal libraries in Trentino which deal with topics such as peace, nature and great artists, created a notebook dedicated to energy saving for the Aldeno and Mattarello comprehensive institute as part of the "I light up less", you collaborated with the Tridentine Diocesan Museum as an artist and pedagogist in a project at the Spini Prison dedicated to the theme of identity.
Nature is the heart of her research and at the same time the intrinsic link between Art and Education, acting as a constant inspiration and common thread in educational and artistic work.
In March 2023 she is on display with the solo exhibition "With the eyes of Nature" at Mirana Tower in Thun Palace, giving the public a unique experience through a double gaze: that of the artist, who observes the beauty of Nature in ecstasy, and that of Nature itself which, through animals, observes a humanity that has lost its origin. Martina Baldo continues her message of respect and connection Art and Nature at the "Footsteps Festival" in Fai della Paganella with an installation in relation to the forest and the involvement of visitors and speakers from various areas of Italy. A video was recorded in summer 2022 “Beats” Directed by Max Bendinelli of MecVideo, visible on Youtube, where he talks about his experience. She participates in the collective exhibition "Drops of Gaia" at the Mets of San Michele all'Adige, organized by the Acli della Piana Rotaliana and dedicated to the theme of the protection of water as a precious good with the work "Nelle nostri mani / In our hands", created in mixed media in collaboration with the artist Franco Toninato, arousing particular interest among visitors in conscious action to safeguard water resources.
She exhibits the personal exhibition "Spread your wings among flowers and plants" at a local nursery, enhancing the themes of freedom and beauty linked to the world of birds. In April 2024 she exhibits in the collective exhibition "Autonomy is an Art - Autonomie ist eine Kunst" at the ancient Hospice of San Floriano – Klösterle di Egna (BZ) curated by Giuseppe Tasin and Kunst Grenzen - Arte di frontier aps, and in June 2024 it will be on display at Drena Castle with the two-person exhibition "Loyal souls" together with my colleague Cristina Palumbo edited by Giuseppe Tasin.
She regularly exhibits some of her works in the municipal libraries of Trento, making art accessible to a wide audience and integrating her work into the cultural fabric of the community.



Souls united between black and white

Martina Baldo Anime unite fra bianco e nero 2024 tecnica mista su lino 50x100 cmMartina Baldo - Souls united between black and white (50x100 cm)
(2024) mixed media on linen



Pride and loyalty

Martina Baldo Fierezza e Lealta 2021 tecnica mista su tela 70x50 cmMartina Baldo - Pride and loyalty (70x50 cm)
(2021) mixed media on canvas



We survivors

Martina Baldo Noi sopravvissuti 2022 olio su tela 50x70 cmMartina Baldo - We survivors (50x70 cm)
(2022) oil on canvas



The song of Nature

Martina Baldo Il canto della Natura 2020 olio su tela 60x60 cmMartina Baldo - The song of Nature (60x60 cm)
(2020) oil on canvas



Over the mountain

Martina Baldo Oltre la montagna 2023 olio su tela 70x70 cmMartina Baldo - Beyond the mountain (70x70 cm)
(2023) oil on canvas



The Canopic Lake

Martina Baldo Il lago dei canopi 2019 olio su tela 40x50 cmMartina Baldo - The lake of canopies (40x50 cm)
(2019) oil on canvas