In memory of the Italian victims in the retreat from Russia in 1943 which culminated in the defeat of Nikolajevka on 26 January, the Kunst Grenzen-Art of Frontier Association with the Trentino actor Alfonso Masi, the Alpini Group, the Pro Loco of Rovere della Luna (TN-Italy), the Oratory Group of the Parish of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria (CR) and the Municipality of Rovere della Luna are proposing a theatrical performance and an exhibition of historical relics that can both be visited with free admission, in the memorial event:

Not everybody came back


Saturday 28 Januar 2023:

Show by the actor Mr. Alfonso Masi, with music by Michele Tovazzi (double bass), Luciano Maino (accordion), and Patrick Coser (guitar).

The Trentino actor Alfonso Masi retraces the exemplary story of an Alpine soldier who participates at first convinced that he is fighting the atheism of the Soviets in the name of Christian civilization and who then gradually rejects fascist ideals and repudiates war.
The Alpini endured a retreat on foot for about 1,300 kilometers in the snow-covered steppe in temperatures of 40 degrees below zero:
“… there were also those who were forced to steal boots and clothes from the dead: ours were not enough to repel the cold of the steppe.” (Marcello Biaggio, Alpino from Colle Umberto - TV)

Between 1945 and 1946, of the 640,000 who left, only 21,000 men returned to Italy.

In the monologue of the Trentino actor Alfonso Masi "Not everyone returned" the names of various Trentino Alpine troops who participated in the retreat from Russia will also be remembered.

At: Theater of Roverè della Luna (TN),  Guglielmo Marconi Str. 2/A

From 21 January to 04 February 2023:

Exhibition of historical memorabilia, curated by the Alpini group ANA Faedo, by ROBERTO TESSADRI, MARIANO CONCIN and CALVI PIETRO.

Hours: From Tuesday to Sunday 10-12, 15-19. On working days: by appointment.

At: Galleria Kunst Grenzen/Arte di frontiera

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