The cultural association Kunst Grenzen - Arte di Frontier aps in the name of the curator Claudio Cavalieri announces the following call for participation open to all visual arts for the collective event:
The exhibition period will be from 19 May to 18 June 2023.
The GARDA SEE ART artistic event will take place in the halls of the former Austro-Hungarian manor Forte Alto in Nago (TN) and provides for an art exhibition of encounter and dialogue between artists who will register (in the event of a request for a new association, please also request the form and how to register with the Management:
The GARDA SEE ART event will be presented by Daniela Pronestì critic from Florence with the coordination of Prof. Claudio Cavalieri from Trento.
Each artist can participate with a maximum of two (2) artworks.
Painters and photographers are required that the works have a maximum base of 70 cm (the height dimension is indifferent).
The participation fee for Members is € 25 (to be credited to the IBAN of the Kunst Grenzen Association) considering that the exhibition is off-site and involves special expenses:
CREDIT INSTITUTE: Cassa Rurale Val di Non, Rotaliana and Giovo
IBAN: IT 17M 08282 35370 000042123579
- A six-fold 60x40 leaflet will be created where each artist will have her own little space. To this end, each artist is required by April 18:
- the photo of one of the 2 exhibited works
- and the contact details (email, mobile, and any personal website) are to be sent to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the coordinator.
2. In addition to the leaflet and the poster, the participation fees are used to support the following expenses:
- Cost per informative page in Toscana magazine
- and for an article in the Trentino Mese magazine.
- Shopping for collection/transport of guests' works from Pistoia.
- small refreshments,
- diesel mileage reimbursement for the coordinator
- attendance fee for the art critic Daniela Pronestì.
Participants will be invited to an exhibition/exchange in Tuscany on a date to be defined.
The curator is available for registration and clarifications:
Claudio Cavalieri - email: