ArTre Trento Auction House and the cultural Association Kunst Grenzen - Frontier Art aps in Rovere della Luna (TN, IT-38030) are offering a new EXHIBITION OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART from 18 to 26 November 2023.

The artistic event includes a first part dedicated to Trentino art from the early 1900s and contemporary art, as well as works by national and international artists.

Artists on display include:

Fontana Nerio, Guido Polo, Methodisto Ottolini, Mario Pevarello, Bruno Colorio, Eraldo Fozzer, Othmar Winkler, Tomasi Oddone, Riccardo Schweizer, Camillo Rasmo, Remo and Dario Wolf, Pietro Camozzi, Ambrosi Elmo, Eleonora Mazzaferro, Renata Di Palma, Paolo Tait , Lasta Attilio, Luigi Bonazza, Giuseppe Facchinelli, Renato Sclaunich, Annamaria Adessi, Mugdin Cehaic, Ugo Nespolo, Guttuso Renato Aldo, Claudio Abrignani, Leonia P., Bezzi Bartolomeo, Marini Giacomo Wenter, Carlo Sartori, Giuseppe Groff, Carlo Bernardi, Pietro Verdini, Irene Leveghi, Attilio Caramelle, Grzingher, Tommasini, Pedrolli, Mario and Patrizia Bragagna, Dolzan, Tino Mondini, Edgar Caracristi, Selvaggia Armani, Marco Berlanda, Proferio Grossi, Gianfranco Gattamelata, Bruno Zieger, Bruno Casagranda, Antonio Donati, Franco Murer , Ernesto Treccani, Fulvio Dot, Luigi Gay, Luciano Minguzzi, Romano Perusini, Mario Schifano, Pietro Ghizzardi, Mercaldi, Anonymous, Nino Caffé, Remo Brindisi, Marcello Scuffi, Romano Mussolini, Lupo, Roberto Merelli, Renato Dorigatti, Lubi, Vallo V ., Ernard D., Katanic J., Giubertoni, Hansey H., Walter Campani, Lucca B., Tonio, Brioschi A., Baldi, Kutter J., Mancini, Ibbetson, Rower G.B., Brochedom, Morland, Fleicher, Blinks, Allemand, Tomasi A.

Also on display is a copy of the Trentino magazine year 4 n.1.

The works of the "Exhibition of modern and contemporary Trentino art" in November will go up for online auction on Sunday 26th from 6.00 pm, after registration on the Artre Casa d'Aste Trento website.

You can also access the Auction Catalog from the official Kunst Grenzen website via LOGO ArTre:

Access to the exhibition is free and available at the following times:
SATURDAY and SUNDAY: 9:00 - 19:00
WEEKDAYS (Monday to Friday) 5.00pm - 8.00pm

The "Exhibition of modern and contemporary art - auction n.7" will be set up in Trento, in Via Malpaga 11 (Andromeda Association headquarters).

For further information you can contact the curators directly:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Telephone:+39 347 1571345


ArTre e Kunst Grenzen mostra per asta Trento 2023 11