From 10 July to 01 August the masters of color Luciano PADOVANI and Gentile POLO will perform at the "Kunst Grenzen -Frontier Art "Gallery with an anthological exhibition: ARTIgiano (at the time of COVID-19).

Like the legendary two-faced Janus, the two artists are projected towards the future of Art but with a strong awareness of the past that has made them artisans. Both creators, modelers of matter and color, tell the key to the change that has led them through time.

PADOVANI, Veronese sculptor and painter, fragments the forms through color where the colleague from Trentino POLO splits the light in his primaries, because for both it is no longer the form, as such, that is important but the perception that each of us has of same.

Like the creator Janus, the two artists give life to a reality that is for them, parallel semantic universes similar and different in equal measure that give us to observation, but impalpable and delicate in their expressive force and message in time of coronavirus: remember the past and find strength to reinvent your future!

ARTIgiano (at the time of COVID-19) by Luciano Padovani and Gentile Polo will be open from 10 July to 01 August 2020, from 15.00 to 19.00.

INAUGURATION: Saturday 10 June from 18.00.

Kunst Grenzen–Front Art Gallery: Via Villotta 7/A, Roveré della Luna - TN - Italy.