Art Solo Show of the artist from Salorno (BZ) Ilario Dalvit at the headquarters of the Rovere della Luna Cultural Recreational Club, from 30 June to 02 July as part of the annual summer event "Vòlti alla Luna".

The ENGRAVINGS ... FROM THE LANDSCAPE TO THE ABSTRACT event is organized by the artist Ilario Dalvit in collaboration with the Municipality and Pro Loco of Rovere della Luna, Rural Fund Val di Non Rotaliana and Giovo - Branch RdL, Piana Rotaliana Köenigsberg and the technical assistance of the cultural association Kunst Grenzen - Arte di frontiera aps.

The Inauguration will take place on Friday 30 June from 5.00 pm at the premises of the Cultural Recreational Club (TN, IT - 38030 Rovere della Luna,  Bronzetti square 19) with free admission.

Visiting hours:
FRIDAY 30 June -
SATURDAY 01 July -
SUNDAY 02 July - / -

For more information, you can contact the Association directly by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.