Created in collaboration with Cassa Rurale, the Municipality and Pro Loco of Rovere della Luna (TN-Italy), the project virtually brings together two autonomous regions, Trentino and Alto-Adige/Südtirol, through the South Tyrolean collector Luigi Ress (Salorno, 1948) and the artist Trentino Ilario Dalvit (Mezzolombardo, 1951).

2021 kunst grenze chiese e castelli locandina small

The former is a passionate coin collector and philatelist, the latter is a designer, builder and decorator of majolica and soapstone stoves, for "Churches and castles of Trentino-Alto Adige" they combine their passions and showcase the historical and architectural beauties of which Our territory is rich.

From delicate and detailed monochrome prints created via silk-screen and airbrush engravings to vintage postcards and stamps of historical issues, from 30 April it will be possible to admire an original, rich, and composite two-person exhibition at the Kunst Grenzen-Frontier Art Gallery where the art of printing is the undisputed protagonist.

The event Churches and Castles of Trentino-Alto Adige by Luigi Ress and Ilario Dalvit is curated by the President of Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontier, Mr. Gentile Polo, and will be inaugurated on Friday 30 April 2021 from 6.00 pm at the gallery of the same name in Rovere of the Moon (TN).

The exhibition will then continue, in full compliance with anti-covid19 ministerial regulations, until May 22nd and can be visited freely during gallery hours:

SATURDAY 3.00pm-7.00pm
SUNDAY 10.-12.00 / 15.-19.00
WEEKDAYS (by appointment: Tel. 335 607 9154 Dear Polo)

The gallery has no architectural barriers and is also accessible to people with motor disabilities.

Convenient free parking is available in Via Roma 20 (c/o the Rovere della Luna Volunteer Fire Brigade), Via Rosmini 17 and in Via IV Novembre 45 and 56 (c/o the football and tennis sports fields).