The cultural association Kunst Grenzen - Art of the frontier aps organizes with Visioni Altre (VE)

an event open to all the Arts

(Painting - Sculpture - Poetry - Graphics - Photography - Artist's Books - Video Projection)


Omaggio a BRUNO MUNARI (Tribute to BRUNO MUNARI)


Locandina: Omaggio a Bruno Munari

(To download the official poster CLICK HERE)

from 1st TO 22nd OCTOBER 2023


The inauguration will take place on 1st OCTOBER 2023 from 18.30

at the private gallery Kunst Grenzen in Rovere' della Luna (TN, IT - 38030 Villotta Str. 7/A)

 Master and award-winning designer, Bruno Munari has been defined as "one of the greatest protagonists of art, design and graphics of the twentieth century", with fundamental contributions in various fields of visual and non-visual expression, a multifaceted research on the theme of the book illegible and the development of creativity and imagination through visual play.

In fact, the need to communicate has always led man to translate his thoughts into visual forms and this need has imposed, since the very beginning of communication, his own parallel world and his own search for supports/materials on which to exercise his forms of expression.

Participants are therefore invited to create a work by simultaneously feeding a network of contacts in communication with each other to create a sort of archive that will be dedicated to him.

The collected works will thus be able to effectively represent that desire for continuous encroachments between the arts and expressive techniques that have so fueled the creativity of Munari himself, but which will also be able to open new windows for us beyond which infinite new worlds can finally be imagined.

For this purpose, the Cultural Association Kunst Grenzen - Frontier Art in collaboration with Adolfina de Stefani's Galleria Visioni Altre (Venice), at its headquarters and exhibition hall in Rovere' della Luna (Tn), proposes an exhibition open to all the Arts offering space to all those who request it at a local, regional, national and international level, entitled:


Omaggio a BRUNO MUNARI (Tribute to BRUNO MUNARI)


Visiting hours: Saturday: –

Sunday: – / –

Monday (closed)

weekdays: by appointment for guided tours as well as groups and schools.


(In the event that the exhibition cannot be concretely feasible due to events external to our will, the same will be proposed by elaborating an adequate virtual space waiting to be re-inserted in the calendar with a new date.)





Registration will take place by filling in the application form for the exhibition provided below, duly signed and complete with all the required data.

Participants who have not already paid the annual membership fee to the Kunst Grenzen will be able to participate at the same time as paying € 30.00 (thirty) of the registration fee for the event as a contribution to the costs of creating and printing the event catalogue; the fee must be credited to:

CREDIT INSTITUTE: "Cassa Rurale Val di Non Rotaliana e Giovo" Roveré della Luna, (Trento, IT)

 IN FAVOR OF: KUNST GRENZEN cultural association

 IBAN: IT 17 M 08282 35370 000042123579

 BIC code: CCRTIT2T73A


The application form, duly completed, must be sent in advance by e-mail as soon as possible in order to provide all the information necessary for the smooth running of the exhibition together with:

- images of the work(s) you wish to participate in the event in high resolution .jpg format (at least 300 dpi).

- Micro curriculum vitae of the artist for the printing of the catalog brochures to the e - mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



 The technique is free. Below are the indicative measurements on which to kindly base each exhibition space for a maximum of two (2) works per artist:

- Painting (max base 45 x h 100 cm approx.);

- Engraving;

- Sculpture (max 45x45x120 c) will instead be agreed for the total weight which cannot exceed 10 kg;

- Photography (max. base 60 x h 100 cm approx.);

- Video projection on TV screen for up to 5 (five) works.

It is possible to participate in the exhibition with a maximum of two works. It will be the artist's responsibility to send the selected images to the email indicated above, in good definition to allow for adequate promotion of the works on the official Kunst Grenzen website.


 The work/s can be carried by hand (for those who live nearby) or sent to the KG Association, in Via Villotta 7/A 38030 Roverè della Luna -Tn- Italy via a trusted courier

NO LATER THAN THE maximum deadline of 18 September 2023

(if necessary, please NOTIFY IN ADVANCE via e-mail) to allow the Association to carry out the tasks of organizing and creating the prints, in good time.


The shipment of the works at the end of the exhibition will be organized within the next 20 days from the end of the exhibition event with the same method that was used for shipment/delivery. The works will be returned at the expense of the artists at the end of the exhibition via mbe (or similar) affiliated with the Kunst Grenzen Association (unless personal preferences) duly packed.

Unsent works can be delivered, upon express request, directly to the artists in the editorial staff by appointment.


For those interested, there is the possibility of stipulating any insurance for the outward and return transport of their works. It is understood that in the absence of it, the Association is not liable for any damage to the works themselves.

As regards the permanence in the exhibition hall, KG certifies that all necessary care will be taken for the optimal maintenance of the works. For this purpose, both the arrival and departure status of the works will be documented.



- Exhibition set-up / disassembly, continuous professional guardianship throughout the visiting hours and duration of the same.

- Realization of paper and/or virtual to highlight each participant in the exhibition with name, surname, photo of the work accompanied by title, format, technique, year of execution (detected from the application form).

- Sending virtual communication on web channels such as email, Istagram, Facebook, Linkedin, etc ... to all national and foreign contacts, made in pdf electronic format, which can also be freely conveyed by individual artists;

contacts with journalists and collectors.

- GALLERY SITE: A page will be created specifically for the event where all the participating works will find space

- Photo shoot at the opening.

- Catering.


The Organizer reserves the right to establish further rules and provisions deemed appropriate to better regulate the events and related services. The sending of the images of the works for selection is understood as acceptance of these regulations and constitutes, on the part of the artist, authorization to the kunst Grenzen Cultural Association to enter and process the personal data provided in its archive and to publish them by any means ( Privacy Law L. 675/96).