LOC Libro sbullonato Kunst Grenzen e Casa della Pittura fonetica

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20240608 05 Libro sbullonato libro dartista Gentile Polo Ilario Dalvit Alberto Sighele Roza Yurchenko Paolo Ober galleria Kunst Grenzen

CLICK ON THE LINK to watch the Documentary on the genesis of the artist's book " The Unbolted Book".


Presentation of the artist's book "The unbolted book" on Saturday 8 June 2024 at the Kunst Grenzen Gallery in Rovere della Luna.

The work was born from the collaboration between the Casa della Pittura di Alberto Sighele in Rovereto and the cultural association Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontier aps of Rovere della Luna, including in particular the President Gentile Polo and the artist Ilario Dalvit of Salorno for the design and craftsmanship, with video processing by the artist Paolo Ober from Trento!

The artist's book offers a selection of images of the best works presented during the 2023 project "The Seven Rooms" by the artists listed:
Rita Savino
Paolo Ober
Guadalupe Zepeda
Margaret Nella
Diego Zeni
Paola Gabrielli
Ilario Dalvit
Alberto Sighele
Laura Zilocchi
and the children of the Roverè della Luna nursery school.

Start of presentation:
Saturday 8 June, from 6.30pm with free entry -
Kunst Grenzen Gallery (TN, IT-38030 Rovere della Luna, Via Villotta 7/A).
Performance by actors Roza Yurchenko and Alberto Sighele.

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