Posted by Kunst Grenzen - Arte di frontiera on 05 December 2022

EMOTIONS from the inauguration of the "La Gioia del Presepe" circuit to the "Presepiamo 2022: Art and Poetry of Christmas" exhibition on Saturday 3 December at the Kunst Grenzen - Frontier Art room.

(PHOTO: Sarah Mutinelli and Lucia Martorelli of Kunst Grenzen)

THE MAP of the Rovere 'della Luna nativity scene circuit, with the ongoing initiatives, is also available free of charge at the Kunst Grenzen Hall.

The exhibition "PRESEPIAMO 2022: Art and Poetry of Christmas" (STAR NR. 12 on the map) can be visited with free entry during gallery hours:

SATURDAY: 2.00pm - 5.00pm
SUNDAY: 10.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 17.00
MONDAY (closed)
from TUESDAY to FRIDAY by appointment:
Tel. 335 6079154 Dear Polo

the Pro Loco of Rovere' della Luna and its President Mr. Marco Gruber, the Mayor Mr. Luca Ferrari, the Cantina Sociale of Rovere della Luna, the President Kunst Grenzen Dear Polo for the contact work, recovery of works and installation, the Member honorary Mr. Alenis Lauri for his willingness to present the event in the gallery.
Particular thanks go to the master craftsmen, artists, poets and the "ANASTASIA" and "UCAI Trento" Associations who made their works available until 6 January 2023, making this splendid exhibition "PRESEPIAMO 2022: Art and Poetry of Christmas".
We also thank all the collaborators, Mr. Ilario Dalvit for his help in the set-up, Eng. Damiano Martorelli Ph.D. for the constant updating of the official multilingual Kunst Grenzen website, Mrs. Lucia Martorelli for the graphics and web marketing, the art expert Dr. Pietro Marsilli for his presence at the event and all the friends who contributed in various ways to the success of the evening.