The "MEXICAN DAY OF THE DEAD" project is curated by the Mexican artist Guadalupe Zepeda who for the current year 2022 foresees the duration of the event from 31 October to 5 November and includes various artistic sectors: Visual Art, Poetry and Literature.



We invite plastic artists, painters and graphic designers to create a work (unless you already have something to adapt to the theme) according to the scheme of one of the four themes listed below, thus adhering to Guadalupe Zepeda's proposal.
You will have to anticipate the image and then bring the original to the signed address by (AND NOT BEYOND!) October 29, 2022.

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shipping address: GALLERIA KUNST GRENZEN, Via Villotta 7/A, IT-38030 Roverè della Luna (TN).

Contact: Guadalupe Zepeda   +39 334 154 5809

4 themes to choose from for up to three artists for each theme (for a maximum total of 12 artists):

1. "MICTLAN" = place of the dead

ruled by the God of death MICTLANTECUTLI and MICTECACIHUATL, mistress of death.

Place where the souls of people who died of natural causes or common diseases went.

Elements: Rivers, Rocky Mountains, Dog, Wind, Jaguar, Mountains, Jade Knife.

Mitclan o luogo dei morti


2. "TLALOCAN" = Paradise of the dead

ruled by TLALOC, God of rain, rivers and fertility.

Place where the souls of the deceased went due to drowning, struck by lightning, dropsy, earthquakes.

Elements: fullness, joy, happiness. corn, fragrant flowers, grass, chillies, tomatoes, courgettes.

Tlalocan o paradiso dei morti


3. "CHICHIHUACALCO" = Children's paradise

Ruled by TONACATECUHTLI, god of fertility.

Place where the souls of children went.

Elements: Nurse tree, sky, life, milk, vegetable nectar.

Chichihuacalco o Paradiso dei bambini


4. "TONATIUHICHAN" = House of the sun

Ruled by TONATIUH, God of the sun

Paradise where the souls of warriors who died in combat went, women who died in childbirth, in sacrifices, as hostages ...

It was believed that those souls returned to the earth in the form of a butterfly.

Elements: valley, trees, gardens, pleasure, joy, perfume, flowers, nectar, party.

Tonatiuhichan o Casa del sole

The artworks received will be exhibited at the Mexican event "MEXICAN DAY OF THE DEAD" from 31 October to 5 November 2022 at the Kunst Grenzen hall in Roverè della Luna (Via Villotta 7 / a - TN).


We invite the poets and writers available to write, in an ironic version, on the theme of life and death, according to the scheme mentioned below.

Please confirm your participation in the event with your literary work by (AND NOT BEYOND!) October 22, 2022 to the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

THEME: "LIFE AND DEATH" (ironic theme about living people who will one day pass away).

The themed poem must consist of a maximum of 10 stanzas which will be printed and exhibited during the event.

The ironic poems created will be recited in part during the opening ceremony of the event (October 31, 2022) and in part during the closing of the event (November 5, 2022) at the Kunst Grenzen hall in Roverè della Luna.

CONTACT: Guadalupe Zepeda Tel. +39 334 154 5809

Program of the "Feast of the Dead" event
CLICK ON the image to enlarge.

(Click to enlarge)



- MONDAY 31 October, from 19.00:
OPENING with poetry recitation and web link with the CETIS Higher Technical School Centro de Estudios Tecnologicos industrial y de servicios No.17 San Martin Texmelucan (Puebla).
Typical Mexican refreshment.

- from WEDNESDAY 2nd to FRIDAY 4th November:
- 15.00 exhibition visit
- 17.00 screening of the "Coco" animated film

- SATURDAY 5 November:
- 15.00 exhibition opening
- 5.00 pm animated film "Coco."
- 19:00 costume parade of the "Catrinas", and Refreshments.

Kunst Grenzen-Frontier Art gallery
(Trento, IT - 38030 Oak 'della Luna, Via Villotta 7 / A)

- Via IV Novembre, 45 on SP21
- Via IV Novembre 56
- Via Rosmini, 17
- Via Roma (in front of the Fire Brigade)