Sandro Ramani was born in Trieste on July 14, 1967, and has a degree in Political Science. Since 1995 he has been working in the social sector in educational projects and services aimed at the disabled and minors.

Self-taught artist, he creates works poised between reality and fantasy: his female portraits depict alternative, dark, austere women, wrapped in a silence that flows into decisive and refined chromatism, focusing on the strength of the diversity that inhabits us.

Therefore, interior and exterior worlds that do not linger in search of sound but that go further, towards the echo of him that fascinates and breaks down the barriers between us and us, between us and the others.

At the Teatro Silvio Pellico in Trieste his works are on permanent display under the title "Portraits in black" and in 2019 he was a welcome guest at the commemorative collective for the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall "Il Muro al muro" in Palazzo Thun in Trent. Among the last exhibitions we mention that in 2023 she participates in the group exhibitions "Butterfly wings" dedicated in particular to women victims of violence in Iran, "Modern and contemporary Art Exhibition in Trentino" by Kunst Grenzen and ArTre Casa d'Aste of Trento, " Garda See Art" by Kunst Grenzen at the high fort of Nago - Torbole.



Sandro Ramani Olivia 2022 olio su tela 60x30 cmSandro Ramani - Olivia - 60x30 cm
oil painting on canvas (2022)



Sandro Ramani Equilibrio 2023  olio su tela 60x30 cmSandro Ramani -Equilibrium-60x30 cm
oil painting on canvas (2023)



Sandro Ramani Alina 2023 olio su tela  60x50 cmSandro Ramani - Alina - 60x50 cm
oil painting on canvas (2023)


Rain drops

Sandro Ramani Gocce 2023 olio su tela 25x30 cmSandro Ramani - Rain drops - 25x30 cm
oil painting on canvas (2023)


Flight n.1

Sandro Ramani Volo 1 2023 olio su tela 60x30 cmSandro Ramani - Flight 1 - 60x30 cm
oil painting on canvas (2023)


Flight n.2

Sandro Ramani Volo 2 2023 olio su tela 60x30 cmSandro Ramani - Flight 2 - 60x30 cm
oil on canvas (2023)