5 x mille associazione culturale Kunst Grenzen Arte di frontiera aps


From today you can allocate your 5x1000 of the IRPEF to the Kunt Grenzen-Arte di Frontiera aps cultural association!

Make your voice heard!

All you need is a signature and our tax code 96112980220 in the "support for volunteering and non-profit organizations of social utility" box, present in the tax return form (730, CUD, Unico) and your 5x1000 of the IRPEF will be donated to KUNST GRENZEN Aps instead of the State.

It doesn't cost you anything, but it's really important for us, because it will allow us to carry out intercultural projects.

Remember that the CUD form, issued by pension institutions and the employer, also has the appropriate space for the 5x1000. Furthermore, the choice to donate the 5 per thousand to KUNST GRENZEN Aps does not exclude the possibility of allocating the 8 per thousand to the State, Church or other religious confessions. Write down our tax code number 96112980220 and bring it with you when filing your tax return.

Kunst Grenzen-Arte di Frontiera aps is an Association registered with no. 785 of the Register of Social Promotion Associations-RUNTS.