Rita Savino, originally from Rovereto (TN-Italy), first obtained her hotel diploma as a chef in 1986 and specialized as an O.S.S. (Socio-Health Worker) and she obtained the evening diploma as a Social Services Technician, but she had always been passionate about Art and obtained the contract as a decorator at the Marzadro Distillery in Nogaredo (TN). She is fascinated by portraits and copies from life, she is attracted by the artistic currents of Impressionism, Cubism, and Abstractionism and she experiments with various painting techniques in addition to ceramic sculpture techniques, raw clay, and third firing.

To deepen her techniques, she attended numerous courses through the Andromeda Art Studio in Trento, with Paolo De Carli Professor of Plastics and Visual Education at the Art Institute of Trento, and at the "Ceramiche Trentine Leonardi" factory in Rovereto.

She is already part of the Visual Arts groups of Arco (TN), UCAI (Unione Cattolica Artisti Italiani) of Trento and has numerous artistic exhibitions under her belt.


Blue iris (2022)

 Rita Savino - Iris blu - (2022) - olio su pannello - (79x50 cm)Rita Savino - Iris blu - (2022)
(79x50 cm) olio su pannello/oil on panel/масло на панели


Mother Earth (2022)

Rita Savino - Madre Terra - (2022) - olio su tela - (70x50 cm)Rita Savino - Madre Terra - (2022)
(70x50 cm) olio su tela/oil painting on canvas/картина маслом на холсте


Angel (2022)

Rita Savino - Angel - (2022) - olio e acrilico su tela - (70x50 cm)Rita Savino - Angel - (2022)
(70x50 cm) olio e acrilico su tela/oil and acrylics on canvas/масло и акрил на холсте


Eternal hug (2021)

Rita Savino - Abbraccio eterno - (2021) - olio su tela - (40x50 cm)Rita Savino - Abbraccio eterno - (2021)
(40x50 cm) olio su tela/oil on canvas/масло на холсте


I become an oak - Leaf wings - (2019)

Rita Savino - Divento quercia: Ali di foglia - (2019) - tecnica mista - (70x50 cm)Rita Savino - Divento quercia: Ali di foglia - (2019)
(70x50 cm) tecnica mista/mix technique/смешанная техника


Flight (2019)

Rita Savino - Volo - (2019) - acrilico e smalti su pannello - (90x70 cm)Rita Savino - Volo - (2019)
(90x70 cm) acrilico e smalti su pannello/acrylic and enamels on panel/акрил и эмали на панели


Dreamlike journey (2018)

Rita Savino - Viaggio onirico - (2018) - olio su tela - (50x70 cm)Rita Savino - Viaggio onirico - (2018)
(50x70 cm) olio su tela/oil on canvas/масло на холсте